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I wish everybody a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year
PS.: Sorry for that „style-break“ (change of style): A Nikon F black Eyelevel equipped with the "wrong" and damaged 3,5/20 mm AI Nikkor. And a "wrong" (but working!) Flash. I never had a genuine Nikon BC-xx Flash...
100 Years Nikon
Even if it is about half a year to early, I wanted to present the readers of our http://www.digicammuseum.de something to relax for the unhasty Christmas holidays. My homage: "2017: Nikon wird 100 Jahre alt" – Nikon is 100.
Usually you need at least one bulky book telling the whole Nikon Story. Anyway, I tried it with compressed nearly 70 pages, if you would print it out on paper or PDF... It’s a personal story with wonderful memory about the (analog) Nikons I had. But even my black Nikon SP is history today :-(
Nice film Kiu. But Nikon doesnot mention that its first 28 years it was part of a war industry, and has based its optical engineering on European knowhow. The man in the film announced as David Duncan Douglas is NOT DDD. David has told us that he doesnot know who that man is. The shots made in space are fake too. Could be made by Spicer
The more often I watch the official 100 Year Nikon Video the more I get afraid of it. My personal and pessimistic interpretation could be understood like this:
„Dear Nikon enthusiast and user. Enjoy and always remember phantastic cameras and awesome lenses from 1948 to 201?. In the very near future Nikon will give up all conventional camera and lens production. To survive we – Nikon – will only produce high profit optical systems for industrial and medical purposes...
Enough bad vibes. If you want to watch some pleasing Nikon videos, here they are: